June 04, 2011

It's been 89 days since I last posted an entry.
The previous one doesn't count coz it's just merely a post for a contest.
My life is all about my current job since early March.
Hardly to get a time to blog.
Maybe it's just that I'm lazy tired.
My daily routine is waking up hell early in the morning, break for an hour for lunch, goin' back later than most of other workers, online for an hour or two just for updates and dash to bed at 12am.
Freak out whenever there is a holiday and go wild during pay day.
All these lasted for 3 months!
And out of nowhere there came this health issue in me.
Sometimes I'll have a sensation of vertigo.
Went to a doctor and he told me that I have this Ménière's disease which I don't think that I have.
So, I tried to change my lifestyle a lil'.
Asked my friends out to cycle in the neighbourhood, have some exercises, having lesser time in front of the comp. and go to bed early, before the time strike 10pm.
I can feel the change in me, I'M FEELING BETTER!
This healthy routine just lasted for a month.
Then, my lazy ass is back again.
But, that vertigo feeling came again yesterday.
Better start up my proper lifestyle for I doesn't want to have such feeling on a plane.
i DONT wanna JET LAG

The worst part is that 公公 had left us.
The feeling is no good at all :(
We had him with us for three days in the house.
*i wasn't sure how they categorize it, some have it five or even seven days*
Relatives and friends came to pay their last respect.
For 100 days I shall be wearing dull color clothing, not to celebrate any "Happy ______" stuff or wishing anybody "Happy _____".
I wasn't quite sure of this rule but I'll just follow since it doesn't harm.
So, I hereby apologize to my friends that I can't celebrate with ya or even wish ya.
爸 sometimes will tell us stories of 公公.
I will always pay full attention to it.
How popular he was, who were his higher standard friends, fully filled pockets, succeeded in every business/occupation he ventured and owned the first Benz in Teluk Intan!
Such a good man.
"没问题"....that's his catch phrase.
I'm proud of him and I'll always be.
He's one of them in my list of inspirational people.
Settled all the stuff, had a nice long nap sleep, woke up for dinner, I was about to on the comp.
The minute I pushed the button, the whole house blackout.
That's when I realised both my comp and modem was struck by lightning that day.
back to sleep......
After three days of improper and lack of sleep, my working days are hard to past.
I felt sleepy when working and I FELL ASLEEP!!!!
damn........it's humiliating if ppl saw it
=.=''''' to the max
but now is much better
another post tmr.....maybe :)

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