March 01, 2018

1. Chinese New Year is about to end, which means that's the end of my birth month also. So, on this final day, the Februarians so-call the 29th, I'm gonna let you know how I spent my birthday month.

2. On the very exact date, I celebrated with both my parents at Belfield Rd. The environment is good, the price was okay, taste of the food is a lil bland but the waitress was polite. For 3 person, we only ordered the Paulaner Pork Rib.

3. This year, out of expectation, I have a slice of cake from Starbucks, one whole cake from my colleagues, 3 slices of cake from my family, and a cake pop from myself. So, expect less for more.

4. Bought myself some gift from Hermo, and got a surprise birthday card from them! The most unexpected one is the gift from my sisters. 

5. Just one of my Chinese New Year #ootd and got photobommed by my brother with a #minilove.
But, he said it was supposed to be a fucking finger.

That's all for this month. I'm trying hard to keep updating my blog. But, this time I procrastinated again. So, I'm still  awake here at 3.21am to at least finish this short post. Let's hope for a better one next month. Good night~ Still need to work tomorrow... and have to attend a training...OMG! Kbye.

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